Are you an academic?

Akademikerforbundet is the member organization for people with a minimum of three years' university or college education, i.e. at least 180 credits.

Akademikerforbundet has a diversity of professions - with us you will find a professional community of communication advisers, managers, middle managers, political scientists, consultants/advisors, economists, child welfare pedagogues and municipal directors, to name a few.

The members mainly work in administration, management, finance, HR, case management and ICT. Akademikerforbundet covers all tariff areas within the public sector and efforts are being made to establish agreements in the private sector, so that we can also look after the members' pay and working conditions there.

Akademikerforbundet is one of fourteen member unions in Unio, which is the country's second largest main organization on the employee side.


Tollbugata 35
0157 Oslo
Tlf.: +47 21 02 33 64
Web-redaktør: Astrid T. Sørland

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