Interpreters in the Norwegian Union of University and College Graduates – we understand you!

A short summary of the core information about «TiA - Tolkene i Akademikerforbundet» «The interpreters in the Union of University and College Graduates» in English.

TiA is a subgroup of the trade union «Akademikerforbundet» - «The Union of University and College Graduates». We are a group of interpreters, and we work for interpreters. That way we can be a strong, knowledgeable and clear voice in advocating for our members, because we understand interpreters’ challenges and needs.

A short summary of the core information about «TiA - Tolkene i Akademikerforbundet» translated to «The interpreters in the Union of University and College Graduates» in English.

TiA is a subgroup of the trade union «Akademikerforbundet» - «The Union of University and College Graduates». We are a group of interpreters, and we work for interpreters. That way we can be a strong, knowledgeable and clear voice in advocating for our members, because we understand interpreters’ challenges and needs.

Focus on the profession and the subject of interpreting

Our members are given the opportunity to be a part of an organization that focus on raising competence and do informational work. We do that by arrangements for interpreters and by cooperation with the employers and the colleges and university’s that educate interpreters.

Our members are all interpreters. Mainly sign language interpreters, speech to text interpreters and interpreters for the deafblind, but also interpreters that work with two spoken languages.

President: Mariann Eidberg –
Vice-president: Helge Edland –
Boardmembers: Kathrine Goborg Rehder, Kate Berg, Camilla Jin Berg.

TiA – the preferred choice for an interpreter!

To the Norwegian website of TiA

/share/mime/48/pdf.png Guidelines for TiA
(guidelines-for-tia_en_june-2020.pdf, 80kB)


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0157 Oslo
Tlf.: +47 21 02 33 64
Web-redaktør: Astrid T. Sørland

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